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About Gallantree Studios

I was born in Chicago of Irish parents and grew up between Chicago and Galway, Ireland.  This gave me many unique opportunities to immerse myself in nature.  I have always loved trees and this love developed early, wandering the trails of Forest Preserves around Chicago and the variety of woodlands and gardens across Ireland.

There is something inherently fascinating about trees.  There are tens of thousands of species of tree, each with its own charm and aura. I believe we all have an innate love of trees.  If asked, we would all choose a different reason why we are drawn to trees, to the forest preserves, to walks through the woods, to just stand and breathe-in nature.


I've always been intrigued with black and white photos, pictures and artwork.  I'm fascinated with what can be accomplished with one color, using positive and negative space.  Combined with my love of trees, this is the inspiration for Gallantree Studios.

Once, when visiting friends who are creative and artistic, I was handed a notebook and invited to draw in "The Tree Book."  Why a tree? Because everybody knows what a tree is and can try to draw one.  All visitors were invited to draw in the book and when my effort was complete, dated and signed, I poured over the other artistic offerings.  I loved the idea and diversity of the artwork and started my own "Tree Book." 


Initially, the trees were in a 4"x 4" notebook.  I wondered how large could I take the concept with pen and ink. It occurred to me to attempt one on canvas and my initial 12" x 12" artwork encouraged me to become more ambitious in my efforts.  I have to date done several larger 16" x 20" with my largest piece to date being 20" x 24". 

Thanks for visiting Gallantree Studios. I hope our paths cross some day.

Emmet H Gallagher


"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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